Monthly Archives: September 2013

This he did indeed confirm was a “train station”

20 Sep 2013
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This he did indeed confirm was a “train station”

262/365 I think he figured if he listened hard enough a train would eventually come… #genevievejamesphotography #rhodeislandphotographer

20 Sep 2013
Comments Off on 262/365 I think he figured if he listened hard enough a train would eventually come… #genevievejamesphotography #rhodeislandphotographer

I think he figured if he listened hard enough a train would eventually come…
#genevievejamesphotography #rhodeislandphotographer

If anyone knows where he could get one of these signs please advise…

20 Sep 2013
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If anyone knows where he could get one of these signs please advise…

Track inspector

20 Sep 2013
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Track inspector

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