Monthly Archives: September 2013

Memory game with Memere… At 60 (;

5 Sep 2013
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Memory game with Memere… At 60 (;

Birthday Party rehearsal… Three Stooges style

5 Sep 2013
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Birthday Party rehearsal… Three Stooges style

Memeres’ surprise cake designed exclusively by the boys. We sat the three of them down and asked them “if you could make Memere a birthday cake and could put anything on it, what would you choose?” (We remained that whatever they said we would do) Results… Robert: red helicopter Eli: yellow bird with sprinkles James: blue train and Isaac: well in utero he is the size of a banana right now. This video is of the boys seeing the cake for the first time. (In the box still… Any wait until they get to show it to Memere) Thank you so very much to the Artisan Bakery in Rochester, MA! #artistanbakery

5 Sep 2013
Comments Off on Memeres’ surprise cake designed exclusively by the boys. We sat the three of them down and asked them “if you could make Memere a birthday cake and could put anything on it, what would you choose?” (We remained that whatever they said we would do) Results… Robert: red helicopter Eli: yellow bird with sprinkles James: blue train and Isaac: well in utero he is the size of a banana right now. This video is of the boys seeing the cake for the first time. (In the box still… Any wait until they get to show it to Memere) Thank you so very much to the Artisan Bakery in Rochester, MA! #artistanbakery

Memeres’ surprise cake designed exclusively by the boys. We sat the three of them down and asked them “if you could make Memere a birthday cake and could put anything on it, what would you choose?” (We remained that whatever they said we would do) Results… Robert: red helicopter Eli: yellow bird with sprinkles James: blue train and Isaac: well in utero he is the size of a banana right now.
This video is of the boys seeing the cake for the first time. (In the box still… Any wait until they get to show it to Memere)
Thank you so very much to the Artisan Bakery in Rochester, MA!

Memere turns 60 today!!!

5 Sep 2013
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Memere turns 60 today!!!

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