Tag Archives: mybrothersbattleismybattle

307/365 Reason No. 685 why… #chipstrong #adamfranco #mybrothersbattleismybattle

4 Nov 2013
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Reason No. 685 why… #chipstrong #adamfranco #mybrothersbattleismybattle

Home from the race and this guy comes up to me and proudly exclaims “Mama I was Chipstrong today!” Then runs off chanting Chipstrong! Chipstrong! It’s infectious! xoxo #chipstrong #flyfoundation #mybrothersbattleismybattle

27 Oct 2013
Comments Off on Home from the race and this guy comes up to me and proudly exclaims “Mama I was Chipstrong today!” Then runs off chanting Chipstrong! Chipstrong! It’s infectious! xoxo #chipstrong #flyfoundation #mybrothersbattleismybattle

Home from the race and this guy comes up to me and proudly exclaims “Mama I was Chipstrong today!” Then runs off chanting Chipstrong! Chipstrong! It’s infectious! xoxo
#chipstrong #flyfoundation #mybrothersbattleismybattle

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